Two weeks ago I gave a lightning talk at Caphyon on hoisting in JavaScript. Putting aside all the common jokes about the JS language, people really seemed to like it. It was kind of a challenge to talk about JS while having an audience of C++ and Java colleagues.
Now getting back to the talk, that was lightning ⚡️ fast and it didn’t covered that much as I would’ve liked to. So I’ll try to write a bit more on JavaScript scoping and hoisting bellow.
Hosting Hoisting
On the clickbait talk title, that’s actually a true story. Last time I mentioned the hoisting term into an article of mine, I remember that a friend read it and told me I had a typo in the article.
So what’s hoisting in JavaScript? The short answer is that, conceptually, variable and function declarations are moved/hoisted to the top of their scope before code execution.
Variable declaration
When declaring a variable, only its name gets hoisted.
Here’s how the above is interpreted, thus undefined
Function declaration
Unlike var, a function declaration hoists its actual definition too.
Here’s how the above is interpreted, thus “Hello world”
Function expressions
The variable name gets hoisted, but not the function assignment.
Here’s how the above is interpreted, thus hello is not a function
On ES6 and later
The hoisting behavior isn’t something that applies to latest ECMAScript gems:
- let
- const
- class declaration
- arrow function
Last but not least
Here’s what Brendan Eich said about JS hoisting:
hoisting was an implementation artifact. source
hoisting was better motivated: function declaration hoisting is for mutual recursion & generally to avoid painful bottom-up ML-like order source
The slides
Here are the slides, just in case.