CSS anatomy and terminology

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People are writing CSS without knowing its structure meaning or being aware of its cascading and inheritance behavior. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how CSS is structured, its anatomy including rulesets or rules, selectors, declarations, properties, values and units.

A CSS rule structure, including selector, declarations, properties values and units

Get rid of Safari's blue input outer glow

When you’re building web interfaces or just websites you always need to do cross-platform browser testing. As we saw, inputs inherit different styles from browsers and you need to style them. In this article, I will show you how simple is to remove Safari’s glowing blue outline.

Blue input glow effect on focus

Style an input button with CSS

I assume there was at least one time when you wanted to add more appeal to an HTML input button and at that moment you didn’t know how to do it. We all know how boring looks an input when we use it without styling it and that’s why today I will show you a way to get rid of this old-style input.

From a default HTML input button to a styled with CSS one

Create a cool neon glow effect in Photoshop

This is my first tutorial ever written here at red-team-design.com catalin.red. So, for my first tutorial, I decided to show you how to create a cool wallpaper with a neon glow effect in just a couple of steps using Adobe Photoshop and a little patience.

A wallpaper with a neon glow effect