Form controls with CSS currentColor and pseudo elements

Because CSS currentColor value and pseudo elements make a damn good team.

Well, I didn’t know about CSS currentColor keyword until a while ago. I’ve started playing around with it and yeah, this is extremely powerful. Some really say that this is the first CSS variable that ever existed, sounds pretty interesting huh?


Using and over abusing CSS

People usually are abusing features just because they can. It happened before, it’s happening now and most likely it will happen again.


Gamespot's loading hearts

“Video games ruined my life. Good thing I have extra lives.” If you’re a passionate gamer like me, then you’ve probably heard this before. On this matter, the other days I was browsing through some reviews to find out more about my latest favorite game, Dark Souls 2 which by the way, it rocks.

But, I’m not making video games reviews here. The thing is that while checking the Gamespot review, I noticed a very nice and original loader somehow inspired by the above tagline. I fall instantly in love with that animation and tried to replicate it with CSS, I just couldn’t help myself.

So, just in case you weren’t already tired of spinners and loaders, here’s another one.

Gamespot's loading hearts

Moving from WordPress to Jekyll

My website was needing a fresh new look, and what better chance to learn a new approach than this? You may ask why would you want to move from WordPress to Jekyll when everything works just fine? That’s a good question and I think the short answer is to learn.

WordPress to Jekyll

Simple SCSS spinner animation

If you’re using WordPress, you surely have seen this spinner effect while performing various actions within the admin area. I liked it a lot and that’s the reason I made an SCSS version of it, posted a demo on CodePen and even it’s not rocket science, I pushed it on GitHub too.

Spinner animation

Data URI tools for encoding and decoding Base64

Last updated on

Nowadays, encoding stuff is not a secret anymore and we’re using data URI for small images, SVG’s and even custom fonts. After all, this is one of the best ways to minimize the number of HTTP requests. On this matter, I thought about making a list with some online conversion tools you can use right away.

Data URI tools

A beginner's list of JavaScript gotchas

I consider myself a novice when it comes to coding in JavaScript but lately I played a bit more with this language and stumbled upon a few random things I thought were worth sharing. So, if you are new to JavaScript or just don’t know it as well as you would like, I hope you find this article useful.

JavaScript logo

Just another dropdown menu concept

I found this two years old Dribbble shot by Ignacio Giri. Don’t ask me how, I just don’t remember how did I stumble upon it but one thing is clear: I bookmarked this dropdown menu concept, stared at it a bit and then I thought about making something similar with CSS.

Dropdown menu concept

Making the HTML dropdown select not suck

Customizing form elements was always pretty frustrating and the select element is one of those elements who can make you want to pull your remaining hair out while trying to style it. As you may already know, when talking about its customization, there isn’t too much CSS stuff you can apply to it, just properties like color, background, font or border.

In this article, in order to customize the look of the native HTML dropdown select, we’ll be using a different approach based on some cutting edge techniques like CSS @supports, pointer-events and appearance.

Custom HTML dropdown select